Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How to deal with a toothache the natural way!!!

Many of us at one time or another-

Suffer from minor problems with our teeth and gums. 

A lot of people suffer through the pain for a long time before seeking the help of a dentist and fail to realize that there is a natural way to combat the pain and even in some cases solve the problem with a natural remedy. 

Our grandparents and their grandparents have a store of remedies in their minds which they have either learned through folklore or by trial and error.  

Which of these are bunk?  Well, granny should be listened to sometimes, for when it seems there is no answer, she may have it.    But in this article, I will try to give you a few things to help and possibly (if the problem hasn’t gotten way out of hand) speed the recovery of your pain in a natural manner ......maybe trying one of these options may keep you from a major dental bill, or save the teeth in your mouth.    I certainly hope so...

As we grow into adults, we have adult like..

tooth challenges.   Some of which may be caused by dietary deficiencies or may be caused from lack of proper care.

Never fear, there are also herbs and natural remedies for such things.    This is why God gave us the herbs of the earth.   To allow us to heal ourselves. 

Tooth and gum disease is definitely on the rise in our society.  As parents should, but don’t always, teach their children to brush and rinse teeth daily several times a day, many adults are faced with challenges they wish were avoided.  

A good adage for teeth would be: Calcium rich, sugar poor.   But this for some is easier said than done.  

In facing tooth pain at the outset, to ease the pain naturally and immediately.  Turn to your kitchen cabinet.    In a small glass, half full of hot.....yes hot water; add Apple Cider Vinegar to complete the filling of the glass.     Swish around in your mouth for a bit, spit.   Repeat this process.   You will find the pain lessened a great deal.   Use as often as needed to keep pain level down. 

Making the pain go away is the first thing....but you must realize there is a challenge if it is this bad.   A trip to the dentist as soon as you are able would be a good thing.   But this remedy works on abscesses, and severe pain caused from tooth decay.  

Using these essential oils for gum and teeth, 

you will find life a little easier.  

Myrrh, Lavender, Calendula, Chamomile, Roman

Use 1 drop in a tumbler of water and rinse around the mouth, do not swallow and do this once a day until you see signs of improvement.  

 *Peppermint (essential oil, not candy) and Chamomile are very good for helping toothache.

Another remedy for toothache using the essential oil method is this:

Put one drop of clove oil on a cotton ball and massage around the gum around the tooth and/in the crevices around the side.     In addition to this, massage the cheekbone with

1 drop of Clove oil, 3 drops of Chamomile, and 1 drop of Lemon essential oil - diluted with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.....

Soaking a compress in hot water with 3 drops of chamomile oil and pressing against face or if the nerves are not exposed, a cold compress or ice will help.  

Clove oil  is an antiseptic, antibacterial and an analgesic and is wonderful for the prevention of disease and infection.   *******WARNING   It should not be used undiluted on the skin*****

It has long been known as a cure for toothache and is responsible for the curing of many other disorders as well.  

Abscessed Teeth present their own separate pains.....

yet again, there is a natural way for relief.   

For the swelling, make a compress soaked in this mixture: 

Lavender   2 drops, Tea Tree Oil   2 drops, and Chamomile oil 3 drops......put on the swollen area twice a day.   

For a dental abscess use the following method to avoid having to call your dentist again or taking pain pills which will not cure the problem, only mask it.

Put 1 drop of Chamomile oil on a cotton ball and press onto the abscess.   Massage the jaw and cheek area twice a day with    3 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Tea Tree diluted with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.  

As you are able to see, there is a better way and a more natural way to ease the pain which we all have faced – or may be facing currently.     I hope this has given you a few more solutions on how to accomplish healing in a natural manner. 

The above listed essential oils would be a good thing to pick up on your next trip to the health food store and kept in house for when a challenge does arise.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Facing Teething Time with your infant??

Problems with our teeth and gums start as ....

infants really.   Even though as adults we do not remember the horrifying pain which caused us to cry and scream while teething, a lot of moms are unable to at first figure out what is causing us to wail in such a manner we really want to pull our hair out.  

For an infant, who after all knows nothing lol) they do not understand and have no other way to communicate to us their displeasure except by screaming, crying or wailing until mom or dad does something to ease the discomfort. 

At as early an age as 3 months, the swelling gums of a new tooth emerging cause tremendous pain.    How fast we deal with the situation will make our lives a lot easier, and our baby a lot happier.   Teething pain can cause other challenges such as diarrhea, nausea, headaches...rashes, runny noses....have been associated with teething you think adults are the only ones who suffer from these things???  

In our adult life, challenges with our mouth and teeth are able to cause the following disorders in our bodies such as again, inflammation of the gums, headaches, migraines, severe pain in the mouth or tooth area......pain so severe we are unable to think.....

Of course, if it gets to that point, a trip to the dentist is definitely in order, because you may need either a root canal or if the problem has progressed far enough, an extraction......oh my.....this is why a lot of people do not like the trip to the dentist.     But there is a way to help and in some cases prevent.....most assuredly heal as well as lessen the pain....

Fist case scenario is preventative action....

But, if a challenge does occur, here are some measures you are able to take to help; and most are found in your home, or solved with a quick trip to the natural food store in your area.   

Nature has many remedies for all ills and......

naturally speaking, if there is pain, there is a really big problem.   

In children teething, here is an effective way to help the pain.....the use of the essential oils is key in these remedies:   for use in teething, they are a little different, than say with another challenge with the teeth and gums.   

Two natural treatments fo teething...

A).  Using one of these three oils in this dosage    Chamomile Roman:    6 drops,   Chamomile German   6 drops or Yarrow, 6 drops.    These may be combined or used singly; if two oils are used, it is 6 drops, if used singly, 2 drops....

Dilute in 5 tbsp. of vegetable oil and mix well, then take 1 tablespoon oil mix and put it in an egg cup, fill will very cold water, and stir well.    Take a q-tip or cotton ball and wipe gently around the baby’s gums      After doing this, use the plain oil/herb mixture in this manner.  Put a drop or two on your finger and massage the outside of the childs face with your fingertip with the oil on it.   Store the remaining mixture in the frig for future use.  

A property of chamomile, is that it is an anti-inflammatory agent and one of it’s components is azulene.    Aloevera liquid also may be used as an alternative to the water/oil method above.   

This will help your child in a natural manner instead of using a chemical alternative.   Again, most people run for the baby oragel, but try this once instead.   There are no chemical additives.   

B).  Lavender may also be used for teething.....Put 5 drops of lavender oil into 1 tbsp. of vegetable oil.  Mixing well, and using only about 2 drops of the solution, massage around the baby’s jaw area and up the neck area.    

Using the above methods may help save your sanity at some point, because not only is teething hard on the child who is experiencing it, but on us moms??    Well you all know what I am  speaking of here....